Wednesday, November 28, 2018

#50 - Coveys Great Adventure - October 2018 - Nehalem, Oregon

#50 - October 2018 - NehalemOregon

Park central 
Arriving back at Nehalem Bay State Park feels a little like coming home. This is our fourth time camp hosting here, and we are always assigned the same site. When the park’s entrance station closes for the season on October first our coach and camp host sign are about the first things visitors see when they pull into the campground.  Some campers are old hands at the State’s self registration procedure, but many others appreciate a friendly face to help them pick a site, buy firewood, find local attractions and services and answer a very wide range of questions about the park and the area.

Let's do the time warp again...
We are supposed to be on duty about 20 hours a week, but we usually get the first visitor around 9 am and often see the last one close to 9 pm, give or take an hour either way. It makes for long days, but it also makes the time fly by. We both enjoy meeting the people and helping make the most of their stay at the park.

It’s hard to overstate how much the dogs like coming here. I don’t know what they like more; the deer casually strolling through the campground, or the beach where they can run off leash until they can’t run anymore. As soon as we pull off US 101 they start to perk up. By the time we get to the park they are pretty excited and can’t wait for us to get unhooked and set up in the site: “take us to the beach, please, please, hurry up!”

I’ve covered camp hosting, the park and the surrounding area pretty thoroughly in past posts, so here are some new pictures that show why we look forward to returning here every year.

The neighbors stop by (resident elk herd)

Haute cuisine on the north coast

Is it beach time yet?

More soon,
